I love me some junking-- flea markets, antique shops, yard sales, and the front of houses where people dump their broken furniture for the city to pick up. Chris's family encourages this desire. When we visited them in Michigan, we went a-junking. I grabbed a couple handfuls of change from his mom's giant change jar, woke up extra-early, and was rearing to go. Those
little old ladies didn't stand a chance against my mad bargaining skillz.
This is Chris's face of groggy happiness (early morning)...
Must be where various ne'er-do-wells go to buy finger-print concealing gloves... gloves of all shape, color and function...
This was a weird flea market. There were lots of unused convenience store products for sale. On the whole, this was a working-class kind of place that was high on the functional stuff and low on the decorative.
They also sold guns and weapons of various sorts. I tried to get a picture of the shady guys selling unmarked guns to even shadier looking guys, but Chris wisely told me "that's a bad idea." So I took a picture of this wagon cause, someday, those nervous-looking fellas might end up in The Detroit News:
The gems were few and far between. But check out this vintage cooler! I liked that it's labeled "Magickooler" and "Leisure Chest". If you owned this, you could say things like, "I never go to the beach without my magical leisure chest whilst wearing my leisure suit." Alas, they wanted $15 which is more change than I had. But man, you know that thing would've been $70 in Provincetown.
Or, instead, you could hang up a smiling Betty Bop purse on your wall!
I like the drive back and forth between NC and Michigan. There's lots of fun billboards to read. Saw one in West Virginia that was anti-evolution. No, seriously. It was advocating against the idea of evolution because that's not how God does things.
West Virginia's a conservative place, no doubt. They are excellent at shock... here's an extremely disturbing old-school anti-abortion display in an antique shop. The modern version is those planes that fly over popular beaches trailing gruesome pictures:
But Ohio, dear sweet blunt Ohio, is a less strident place. We picked up this vintage vibrator at an antique shop there!