When Chris and I first talked about moving to North Carolina, one of his first comments was, "Finally, land for a garden." We had a small garden in Boston, but man, that must've felt like half a sneeze to him. Because this is what he's done with our land...
This is the real estate photo of the house (note that landscaping consisted of two trees on the front and driveways on either side):
Front of the house a few months before we moved in, January 2008:

Taken early Spring, 2010... no lawn, all paths and garden:

Then there was the side yard, previously gravel and weeds. The house came with two driveways since it was formerly a two-family.
Here it is with a side garden and fruit trees. The gravel driveway was covered over with grass and various weeds mowed down to grass-level. You can't even tell it was a driveway! 2009:

Late in the summer, Chris added a raised fountain. We're currently working on the raised garden beds that'll flank this fountain. 2009:

Here it is as it looks now. The grass and weeds have been turned under and piled with dirt in preparation for the raised beds:

And this is early Spring.... wait until the summer hits and these plants take over in a forest of lushness. There's even fruit on our peach, pear, apple, and apricot trees!